Sofra Crushed Beans

Sofra's crushed beans is differentiated by its identical, well sorted grains using the latest technologies,also it retains it distinctive taste and color post-cooking and don't absorb oil while frying. Sofra's crushed beans contain high levels of protein, vitamins and fibers. For storing legumes properly, always store in dry, cool place away from sunlight and any sources of pollution and chemicals, in low tempreture that doesnʼt exceed 20˚c.


Let's get Cooking

  1. Erase water from the beans and wash well and divide it into the cup until it becomes like dough and pour into a bowl.
  2. After washing and cutting vegetables and onions are cut into the cup with garlic and the rest of the spices until fin.
  3. Put the mixture on the former beans and then re-catch them again until perfectly homogeneous and control the roughness and softness of the dough as desired.
  4. They are kept in bags in the freezer.
  5. When used, fry in heavy oil and can be placed on the floor a bit of coriander and sesame on the side of the dough during frying to get the taste of ready-made falafel.

You'll need

Nutrition information

Carbohydrates 0.8g
Fats 0.8g
Protein 6.8g
cholesterol 0
Calories 346 Cal.
Sodium 1.0 ng